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Aug 1 2018

Skycoin Heads to Vegas

It is our pleasure to announce that the Skycoin Team will be present and a sponsor at CoinXchange, a blockchain and experiential conference. Attending along with prolific speakers such as Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, and entrepreneurs like Gary Vaynerchuck, our team will be spreading the news about Skycoin and its reputation as one of the most innovative projects in blockchain. Come say hi, we will have plenty of swag for Skyfleet fans.

Skycoin will be represented by:
Daken Freeborn - Director of Events
Ed Vilderman - Videographer and Marketing Coordinator
Mark Smith - Marketing and Accounting
Lauren Smith - Planning, Support and Online Sales

Make sure you look us up if you are attending!  Here are details for the event:


Date: August 13-15th
Location: Mandalay Bay Convention Center - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Event Description:

ChainXChange is a Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference designed to help “Everyone On the Block”. An event for startups, large corporations and everyone in between. Connecting you or your company to qualified BC & AI developers, educators, industry experts and like-minded companies is the key goal of our event.


10+ Diverse Keynote Speakers, including Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Social Media’s Gary Vaynerchuk, three-time Grammy Winner and Microsoft AI Spokesperson, Common, and Nobel Prize Winner Paul Krugman, to name a few.